Thursday, May 7, 2009


I worry about a lot of things. Here are some examples:
  • Dropping my keys in the sewer drain in parking lots
  • Hitting a sewer drain on my bike
  • That others think I am shoplifting. To avoid this, I walk slowly out of stores with my hands in clear view.
  • Running out of soap in the shower
  • Running out of toilet paper
  • Not getting up on time to go to work
  • Forgetting something important at work
  • Locking my keys in my car. I keep an extra key in my wallet for this purpose.
  • Someone breaking into my house and stealing my computer. They would probably do it during the day when I'm at work.
  • When I was in Junior High - getting AIDS. They had all those sex ed classes that told you if you got AIDS you died. There was that show "Go Toward the Light" of that little boy who got AIDS from a blood transfusion. I worry about getting it when other people are bleeding.
  • Stepping in dog doo-doo
  • Losing one glove
  • What I'm going to eat for lunch
  • What I'm going to eat for dinner
  • Getting in a car accident
  • Plumbing problems, especially bursting pipes. I don't like how they're all in the walls and ceilings and floors and that you can't see them. There's no way to know if there is a problem until it's catastrophic.
  • House fires. I keep my bedroom door closed at night for this reason, just like they taught you in elementary school.
  • Moose attacking me while hiking alone
  • Forgetting my eye drops
  • Dropping my iPod
  • My iPod getting stolen
  • Identity theft, credit card theft, etc.


Holly said...

Remember when we all watched Go Toward the Light while Mom and Dad were out on a date, and we were all sobbing around the television when they walked in the door?

Here's my list:
Leaving the front door unlocked or the garage door up at night (especially since we accidentally left the garage door up a few months ago and someone got into Rob's car and stole his iPod, so, yeah, that's something you can keep on your list)

Saying "super love" or "love you" at the end of a phone conversation with someone other than Rob or our family.

The basement flooding and ruining all the books stacked on the floor (buying sufficient bookshelves to house all our books would probably cost more than the total value of the books currently lacking housing)

Buying something and then finding it cheaper somewhere else

Clark B. Hinckley said...

Dropping my keys (or reading glasses) in the sewer drain is a constant worry.

And losing my sunglasses or fountain pen (this has happened with some regularity, so it is not really paranoia...)

Waggoner Family said...

Mine for sure is dropping my keys in a sewer drain.
I would say that second is the computer getting stolen in the middle of the day.
We are very much alike!

Mary Anne said...

I'm not sure if this belongs more in OCD or Paranoia, but you forgot about not sleeping with your closet door open. Ever since you told me about that one, I have to shut my closet door before I got to bed. Just in case . . .